Name Patrice Corso
Birthday (No Year) July 17
What do you teach/do? Elementary Music
What is your favorite hobby? Composing music
What is your favorite vacation spot? Beach
What is your favorite book? The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
What is your favorite movie? A League of Their Own
What is your favorite animal? Elephant
What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
What was your favorite grade in school? Freshman Year of College
What was your favorite subject in school? English and Reading
Who was your favorite teacher? Mrs. McGrath, my German teacher
What is your favorite subject to teach? Music
What is your favorite part of your job? Making music as a group
What is one of your favorite memories of being in school? Going to All-State Choir in High School
If you could have a “super power” what would it be? Teleportation