Talking to Your Child about Coronavirus and COVID-19
We are living in a time of many “unknowns.” As adults we don’t know what the future holds day-to-day. While we are trying to understand our rapidly changing world, our children are also struggling to comprehend how this virus impacts their lives.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest the following tips when talking to your child about the virus:
Remain calm and reassuring
Remember children will react to both what you say and how you say it.
Be available to listen and talk to your children
Be sure children know they can come talk to you when they have questions.
Avoid language that blames others or leads to stigma
Avoid making assumptions about who might have COVID-19.
Pay attention to what your child is hearing and seeing on radio, tv, or on-line
Consider reducing and monitoring screen time.
Too much information can lead to anxiety.
Provide information that is honest and accurate
Be certain the information you share is age-level appropriate.
Explain how some stories on the internet and social media may be based on rumors and inaccurate information.
Teach your child everyday actions to reduce the spread of germs
Stay away from sick people.
Cough and sneeze into the elbow.
Don’t touch your face.
Frequently wash hands thoroughly.
Discuss any new actions that may be taken at school to help protect students and school staff.
Child-friendly Information about Coronavirus and COVID-19
Social story flip book
Comic strip