Approve bills and Treasurer’s Report
Bills payable for February 2025 total $693,735.91
From the Education fund: $137,653.31; of this total $10,693.43 is payable for SCI.
From Operations & Maintenance: $56,169.81.
From Debt Service: $421,865.72.
From Transportation: $26,867.86.
From Capital Projects: $48,571.21.
From Tort: $2,788.00.
Treasurer’s Report –
Ending balance in all funds at January 31, 2025 is $17,347,721.
Balance in operating funds is $14,130,365.
Balance in Capital Projects is $1,153,595.
SCI 2025-2026 Calendar and the SCI Student Handbook
As the SCI Center's administrative agent, the BOE approved the calendar for the SCI Center as well as the SCI Center Student Handbook, both for the 2025-2026 school year. Next year, the major change to the calendar is that the center will be open on early release days, ensuring students receive enough hours of instruction for some of their certifications. Thank you to Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Wagenblast for also working through this with the shared staff. Mrs. Ellis also created a student handbook to communicate the expectations at SCI with our students and families. There are similarities and differences between the school handbooks and this handbook. The Governing Board has approved both the handbook and the calendar at previous meetings.
Intergovernmental agreements with the Regional Office of Education #3 for the Safe Schools Programs and the Alternative High School
These are annual agreements we enter into with the ROE to use their Safe Schools Programs and the Alternative High School.
Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
The State of Illinois added legislation that mandates that school districts have a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan on file. Dr. McClain thanked the nurses, Mrs. Thompson, and our Athletic Directors for the collaboration. The nurses put the most work into this plan but will continue to work closely with their teams and our ADs as we roll this out to our schools. Team member and AED location information will be updated annually and we will keep all school information on one document. We also plan on reviewing this as part of both our Crisis Meetings with the local police and fire department as well as in our Safety Committee Meeting.