Due to network issues, we have had some interruption to phone service and computer service most of the morning. This may have affected some of our student meetings today. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Breakfast / Lunch today and tomorrow available NOW at LHS/LMS circle drive 1700 block of north state. Open to COHORT A and PRE K students. Stop by soon!
Reminder - TITLE I Activity Bag pick up tonight from 6 to 7 PM in the circle drive at Litchfield High School (1700 block of North State Street). This event is for those that sent a response that they wanted to participate. We will hand your activity bag through the car window!
Litchfield releases details of 4 day in person learning starting Monday, September 28. Visit this link for details: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/310239?org=litchfield-cusd-12
Meals this morning targeted for COHORT A students and Pre K students. Cohort B received their meals yesterday as they left the buildlings.
Reminder: Food service is providing breakfast & lunch grab and go meals for Friday and Saturday. Stop by the middle/high school building from now until 10:00 to grab yours. Drive up service in front of the building in the circle drive.
Special Announcement from LCUSD#12 - Use this link to watch the video announcement.... https://youtu.be/IsXxVPGFJVM
RSVP due on Wed or Thurs if you want to participate in the Title I Story Bag event. This is a drive through and pick up event Please print and return the attached flyer or send an email to pniemann@litchfieldpanthers.org with your child's name and grade.
ATTN: Parents of Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 6th, 9th and 12th grade students, including remote learners.
Have you turned in your child's health requirements for their current grade level? These requirements must be turned in to the school by October 1, 2020 or your child will be excluded from school until requirements are completed.
**ISBE requires that remote learners complete all health requirements as well.**
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school nurse.
Reminder of weekend food service tomorrow morning. Listen to the voice call you also received or click here for details: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/304864?org=litchfield-cusd-12
Notice of Positive COVID 19 Test for 9-10-2020
Please visit this link for details: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/o/litchfield-cusd-12
Cohort B students will receive lunch and breakfast for Friday and Saturday as they leave school today. No need to pick up Friday. See the complete update here (update in bold print) : http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/303255?org=litchfield-cusd-12
Litchfield announces breakfast and lunch for ALL students at NO CHARGE. Please see the attached story for details. Program started TODAY!
Your input is needed for the YMCA to provide programs in Litchfield. Community group Litchfield Unlimited i spearheading this effort. Please consider completing the survey so they know what the community wants for their kids. https://forms.gle/Jgj3K6KZPNCJtAKTA
Important information from Christian / Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency regarding schools.
Breakfast & lunch are now provided free of charge to ALL students K-12 in Litchfield schools. Off-day meals are provided each day when a child is physically in attendance. Students were given breakfast&lunch for tomorrow as they left school today at NO CHARGE to families.
Notice of positive test for COVID 19: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/302057?org=litchfield-cusd-12
A brief video message from the Superintendent, Dr. Fuerstenau. To access the message, use this link: https://youtu.be/M1vo3ukurTE
As promised, here is the calendar for September.
We are continuing with Cohort A and Cohort B days. Fridays will remain remote learning days for everyone. The early dismissals will continue as well.
An important message from Dr. Fuerstenau. Please read at this link: