Info regarding December 16th Mad Park Christmas Program. Hope to see you there.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Information regarding mad park christmas program
** School Closing Tuesday November 12 ** Due to dangerous road conditions, Litchfield Schools closed Tuesday , November 12. School Resumes Wednesday November 13. Drive safely.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
The public is invited to the second School Board Community Listening Session on Monday, November 4, at the Litchfield Public Library. Session starts at 7p.m.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Visit our FB group and see the fun time the Kindergarten students had at Jubelt's today! Use the link below to visit our FB group and sign up so you can see the good things going on in Litchfield Schools!
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
FB Image of Students at JUBELTS
Reminder - Progress reports went home today grades K-8.
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Elementary Homecoming Dress Up Days Next Week! Click to see the image for details!
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Elementary Dress Up Days for Homecoming
Kindergarten-2nd grade Firefighter and Police Family Night Thursday, October 3, 2019 6-7 pm Litchfield Middle School. Listen first responders read books Enjoy a snack Receive a book. R.S.V.P. Wednesday September 25 at
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Image of family night flyer
Kindergarten-2nd grade Firefighter and Police Family Night Thursday, October 3, 2019 6-7 pm Litchfield Middle School. Listen first responders read books Enjoy a snack Receive a book. R.S.V.P. Wednesday September 25 at
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Kindergarten-2nd grade Firefighter and Police Family Night Thursday, October 3, 2019 6-7 pm Litchfield Middle School. Listen first responders read books Enjoy a snack Receive a book. R.S.V.P. Wednesday September 25 at
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Kindergarten-2nd grade Firefighter and Police Family Night Thursday, October 3, 2019 6-7 pm Litchfield Middle School. Listen to local first responders read books Enjoy a snack Receive a book Look at a fire truck and police car R.S.V.P. Wednesday September 25 at
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
First grade "Grandparent Day" took place Monday with grandparents and first graders. Thank you to teachers for making it happen and I hope our grandparents had a good time reading to the kids. Here is a quick video of what you missed.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Kindergarten Grandparents Day Video available now on the district YouTube channel. Click here to see:
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Information regarding improved "Dining" info in the District App. Orginal info in our district Facebook Group (you must request to join). Click the image below if you don't want to join the FB group. To find the FB group, click here search for LCUSD#12 on Facebook!
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Food Service App Update Image
The Website our food service uses now shows up inside of the Litchfield app when you click on "dining" for your child's school. This provides you THE most up-to-date information and gives you access to nutritional information you need to help your child make good lunch choices!
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Main Screen  Of Litchfield App
Screen Showing Dining Button in Litchfield App
Image of School Menus in Litchfield App
Pull up a chair and join us for the School Board Listening Session Tonight at Litchfield Public Library. Session starts at 7PM.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre
Image of Library Meeting Room
The public is invited to the School Board Public Listening Session on Tuesdsay . September 3rd at Litchfield Public Library. To review what is being discussed, click the link below and visit the Journal News website to read more about the session.,66560
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
*REMINDER* - Early Dismissal Friday, August 30th. Elementary Schools @1:15 LMS/LHS @1:30 - NO PM PRE K. No School Monday September 2nd for Labor Day Holiday. School Resumes Tuesday, September 3rd. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
Join the new food service team in the district! OPAA needs to hire 2 dishwashers. Check out the link for more information:
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
** Change to School Calendar** At the August School Board meeting, October 10th was changed to a non-attendance day for students due to Teacher Institute. October 11 and October 14 remain non-attendance days for students.
over 5 years ago, Litchfield CUSD #12
** Change to School Calendar ** No student attendance on October 10 due to Teacher Institute. October 11 and October 14 remain non-attendance days for students.
over 5 years ago, Adam Favre