1 hour left. Breakfast / Lunch for today and Friday all in one carry out. Pull up in front of the middle school / high school and we will take care of you .

Breakfast and Lunch for the today and tomorrow...come see us at middle/high school and pick up your meal today from 8-10. See you in a few minutes!

Tomorrow breakfast lunch will cover Thursday and Friday. We will start serving at 8 and finish at 10. See you tomorrow morning at LMS/LHS.

A little over 1 hour remains to pick up breakfast/lunch bags at LMS/LHS building. We finish at 10.

Lunch and Breakfast bags available starting at 8 and ending at 10 this morning at LMS/LHS building. See you soon.

Good morning. Lunch / Breakfast bags for Litchfield Schools will resume Wednesday morning, April 15, from 8-10 a.m.

A short message to Pre K and Madison Park students and families. https://youtu.be/4PKET2upkO4

Litchfield Schools Closed through April 30th, 2020. Please watched the attached message from Superintendent Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau for more info on regarding the closure. https://youtu.be/7noiVx7T2_g

New learning packets available tomorrow at BACK of school near football field from 8 to 10. We are NOT collecting completed work at this time. For more details, use this link: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/220365?org=litchfield-cusd-12

Info regarding meals during school closure: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/210840?org=litchfield-cusd-12. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/litchlunch

PreK and Elementary Parents- material pick available at this time at all schools. PARENTS / Designated Adult should come in and pick up materials, especially at the younger grade levels. We are open until 4 today.

Notice to LCUSD #12 Families: In the event of a district-wide shut down due to COVID19, we are working to create an e-learning plan. Please stay tuned for updates!

Changing weather this week. We go out side if the temperature feels like 25 or above. Please remember winter coats, hats, and gloves for outdoor play. If you are missing any of these items, please talk with your child's teacher or the office.

Just a reminder, Litchfield Schools dismissed at 1pm.

School closing for Litchfield CUSD#12 due to road conditions for Thursday, January 23,2020.

**Change to Early Dismissal
Tomorrow** due to incoming weather, early dismissal will be at 12:00 for Elementary and 12:15 for LMS/LHS. This allows students to arrive home ahead of inclement weather.

Early Dismissal Friday, January 17
Elementary Dismissal @ 1:15
LMS & LHS Dismissal @ 1:30
Monday January 20 - No School in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Holiday Break Schedule LCUSD#12

Holiday Break Schedule

Reminder Madison Park K-1 Christmas concert TOMORROW NIGHT. Kindergarten : Doors open at 5:15- Performance at 5:30 1st Grade - Doors open at 5:45 - Performance at 6. Gather in hall until doors open please!