Good evening. In case of inclement weather, we use direct messages to your main contact. We also post to website news feed, FB, WSMI radio and some TV stations in the area. If you have received this item in your text messages or the Litchfield app, you are signed up. If you did not receive the VOICE message, you should contact your child’s school & update contact info. Additional information posted on our website that you might also want to review. TY and have a good evening. WEBSITE LINK: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/1401529

Again, it is NOT too late to register for tonight's event at 7:30 pm about the ABCs of Substance Use and Vaping! Are you a parent who wants to know more about substance abuse and vaping? Learn how to spot the signs your child may be vaping or becoming addicted to substance use. Join us and learn to ask the right questions, spot the basic signs, and learn to communicate with your child.
You can register right up to the last minute, even if you can't attend the live event. By registering, you will be added to the follow-up email list and receive a recording of the session the following day.
Use this link to register: https://cookcenter.info/Dec13Litchfield

It is not too late to register for our session on Substance Abuse and Vaping! This session will be offered on December 13th at 7:30 pm. Do you know the signs to watch for if your pre-teen or teen is vaping or becoming addicted to substance use? Learn to ask the right questions, spot the basic signs, and learn to communicate with your child. This session covers the following: Signs to watch for including health issues, behavioral signs, and addiction signs as well as How to talk to your child about vaping. Simply scan the QR code to register!

On December 5th at 7:30 pm, we are offering a session for parents regarding Substance Abuse and Vaping. Do you know the signs to watch for if your pre-teen or teen is vaping or becoming addicted to substance use? Learn to ask the right questions, spot the basic signs, and learn to communicate with your child. This session covers the following: Signs to watch for including health issues, behavioral signs, and addiction signs as well as How to talk to your child about vaping.

REMINDER - Early dismissal today. Elementary @ 1:15. LMS/LHS @ 1:30. NO AFTERNOON PRE K. School resumes on Monday 11/2, after the Thanksgiving Break.

Those that have requested iReady at Home for extra Reading and Math practice, that infromation is being sent home with your child TODAY in his/her backpack in a sealed envelope.
If you did not attend the literacy night and want more information on using iReady at home, contact Mr. Favre afavre@litchfieldpanthers.org

There will be an early dismissal for the Litchfield School District on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.
• Elementary Schools @1:15
• Middle/High Schools @ 1:30
• No Afternoon Pre K
** HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and PARENTS ** There will be a follow up message for you with more details on your dismissal times on this date.
• Thanksgiving Break November 21-26.
• School Resumes Monday, November 27 at the usual time.

It is NOT too late to register for this evening's presentation at 7:30 pm of 'Why Our Children Self Harm' offered by ParentGuidance.org. What can parents do when they have a child that is self-harming? It can be a scary and confusing experience that is tricky to understand. Join us to learn tools for understanding why this happens and what you can do to help. You can register right up to the last minute, even if you can't attend the live event. By registering, you will be added to the follow-up email list and receive a recording of the session the following day. Simply scan the QR code to register!

If ou are a parent that is having trouble with the rooms app on your mobile device, please bring it with you to the Litchfield Reads night at the Unit Office. Mr. Favre will help troubleshoot if time allows or will take down your information to follow up at a later date.

Just a reminder, there is no school this Friday, November 10 in observance of the Veterans day. School resumes Monday at the usual time.

Reminder - Early dismissal Wednesday 10/25/23. Elementary out @11:15. LMS/LHS out @11:30. Also, Pre K Buddy Day in the morning. Times were sent home in your newsletter and in the app.

Substitute Job Fair tonight 5:30-7:30 @ Litchfield Library - 1205 S. State Street. Sharing info, filling out paperwork, etc. Teachers / Aides / Custodians / Bus Drivers / Nurses / Secretaries. Please share if you know someone who might be interested! Help make a difference and earn some extra income !

Good evening. At this time, we are still a “go” for our fieldtrip tomorrow.. A raincoat, poncho, or umbrella with your child's name is important. So are comfortable shoes for walking.
Reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Fri. ,Oct 6 due to the teacher institute.
& Mon. due to the Columbus / Indigenous Peoples Day.
School Resumes Tuesday, Oct 10

At this time, we are still a “go” for our fieldtrip tomorrow.
A raincoat, poncho, or umbrella is appropriate just make sure you have your child’s name on it.
Reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 6 due to the teacher institute.
There is no school on Monday due to the Columbus / Indigenous Peoples Day.
School Resumes Tuesday, October 10 at the usual time.
Please call the office if you have not signed up for parent teacher conferences. If not, the office will assign you a time.

Reminder -Early dismissal today for LCUSD#12 for School Improvment. Elementary @ 11:15. LMS/LHS @11:30 - no PM Pre K. K-12 students will receive a take home lunch. School resumes tomorrow @ normal time.

Correction - the early dismissal is on Wednesday the 27th (this week). Hopefully this didn't cause too much confusion.

Early dismissal scheduled for this Wednesday September 17 for school improvement.
There is NO afternoon Pre K.
Elementary schools dismiss at 11:15
Middle & High Schools dismiss at 11:30.
All students will K-12 will be provided a take-home lunch.
School resumes Thursday at the usual time.

Rooms (parent teacher communication tool) launches this morning. If you have provided up to date email and text message addresses to us AND have opted in for messages, you will recieve your invitation this morning. If you signed up already for ROOMS from the "magic code" provided by your chld's teacher, you should see that class in your Litchfield app once invitations are sent out this morning. We appreciate your patience.

Important Info: We are currently having trouble with our district phone system. We are working to remedy it and will put out another notice when issues are resolved. District secretaries will be monitoring email for important communications OR stop by the appropriate school office if you have an immediate need. We will send another notice when these issues are resolved.

Don't forget! Online registration closes on Friday, August 4th.