Join us for the Back to School Bash at the Community Center this Saturday, July 29th from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Registration for returning students (K-12) is open online from July 17th - August 4th. Log onto Family Access.
If you need password help, please contact
Abe Loveless (aloveless@litchfieldpanthers.org) or Jennifer Thompson (jthompson@litchfieldpanthers.org)
Families new to the district (including PreK and Kindergarten) may complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/WR4pidtR9uuyKine6 and the appropriate secretary will be in contact when we return in August.

Reminder - last day of school is tomorrow. Elementary schools dismiss @ 11:15. Report cards and i-Ready reports will be mailed home next week. Have a great summer break!

Early Dismissal for Friday, May 19th has changed.. New times: Elementary @ 11:15. LMS @11:30. High school depends on their exam make-ups and information is being sent out to high school families. Report cards will go home with your child or will be mailed shortly after the last day depending on grade level. Info also on our district website and FB group.

Madison Park Art And Music Show Tomorrow Night
(Wednesday, May 3)
Performance at 6:30.
Arrive NO LATER THAN 6:20.
LCUSD#12 Unit Office
1102 N. Old Route 66
Litchfield, IL 62056
Kindergarten students - Wear RAIN themed clothes (boots, rain jacket, BLUE colors)
1st Grade Students - Wear SUN themed clothes (yellow, orange, sunglasses, etc.)
Student artwork will also be on display. Note below was sent home previously

Reminder, tonight's Title I Family Night is at MADISON PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 800 N. Chesnut, Litchfield IL, 62056. Event is from 6-7 p.m. The book fair is available from 5:00-8:00

The LHS Hospitality class is putting on a fundraiser on March 18th at the Unit Office from 7PM-9PM. We have 80 tickets available for this event. You will be served a delicious, Italian style meal that includes salad, breadsticks and a dessert. There will also be a silent basket auction, a performance by our LHS jazz band, and a designer beverage bard (non-alcoholic of course). All proceeds from this fundraiser go toward the FACS budget so that our culinary, foods, and intro to baking classes, as well as our Hospitality class, have more funds for projects in the future. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please email Libby Jones at ojones@litchfieldpanthers.org. Tickets are $25 per person, or $40 for a couple.

Reminder that there is no school Friday March 3 and Moday March 6. School resumes Tuesday, March 7 at the usual time.

Don’t miss our next session “Bullying- Stop the Cycle" on March 22 at 7:00 pm, where Dr. Melissa Lopez-Larson will share the importance of addressing bullying concerns both at home and in the schools. She will outline what bullying is and how parents can watch for signs and the importance of intervening if your child is being bullied.
Register now: https://cookcenter.info/LitchfieldMarch22

It is not too late to register for this virtual session regarding social media!
Protecting children from technology that moves so fast is very difficult to manage. Oftentimes, the way parents react can make the issues worse. This session covers the following: Learn the parenting pitfalls, Practical solutions to effectively, manage technology use, Educate about the truths of Our Devices, Device Awareness, Avoid being blindsided, Expecting Challenges, Disciplined Parenting
Please join us by registering online or with your phone's camera for tonight's event at 7:00 pm.

Families of students in grades 3-12: The ESTeam will be administering the second round of our new social-emotional screener the week of February 13th. Please click on the link to read the letter from the team: https://5il.co/1o5a4

It can be frustrating when your child does not want to go to school or is avoiding something they used to love. Learn how to ask the right questions - get to the root of the real problem. This session covers the following: How to ask the right questions, Reasons kids avoid school, The why behind behavior, and What parents can do to help. Register via the link or your phone and attend in the comfort of your own home on January 25th from 7:00-8:00 pm.

Tues Dec 20 is an early dismissal. Elementary K-5 dismissal @1:15. Middle School dismissal @ 1:30. LHS Make-up Final Exams until 12:30 for students requiring make-ups.
Holiday break from Dec 21-Jan 3. School resumes Jan 4. Enjoy your hoiliday break.

Fundraiser Pickup Round 2!
If you were unable to pickupfor round 1, we will be having another pickup date this Monday the 19th from 3-5 pm at JD Colt School. A text will be sent out to those who turned forms in as a reminder. If you need assistance please contact DeDe at 217-710-6572.

Just a reminder, PTO Fundraiser Order Pickup Tuesday, December 13 from 3:30-7:30 @ Colt School. Prizes are included with your order pickup. Please pickup during this time as some frozen items will not be able to be kept past the pick up time at the school.

It is NOT too late to register for this month's virtual Mental Health Series focusing on the Effects of Screen Time and Children's Mental Health TONIGHT at 7 pm. The flyer provides topic details: https://5il.co/1k36x. You can register through the email or by scanning the QR code with your phone's camera.

Kids love their phones and other devices! There are many advantages, but let's explore some of the side effects. Join us for this month's virtual Mental Health Series focusing on the Effects of Screen Time and Children's Mental Health on Wednesday, November 30th at 7 pm. The flyer provides topic details: https://5il.co/1k36x. You can register through the email or by scanning the QR code with your phone's camera.

If you are attending parent teacher conferences tonight or tomorrow, please take a moment to provide us some feedback. Survey should take 4-8 minutes for each student you complete it for. TY in advance if you choose to complete. https://bit.ly/MPCONF22

REMINDER - No School MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th. School Resumes Tuesday, October 11th. Enjoy your 3 day weekend.

Reminder of the TITLE I Panthers Read Family night Wednesday from 6 to 8 pm at the Unit Office- 1100 N. Old Route 66. We look forward to seeing you there!