Repeat due to ATT outages - If your child attended Pre K last year, it is time to return the clear summer readiness backpacks. Just send your backpack to your child's CURRENT school with name in the backpack (Madison Park or Pre K). In return, you will receive a book for returning the pack. Cost of backpacks are $35 each, so please return ASAP!

Madison Park is currently without phone and internet service due to a fiber optic line being cut. Please stop in if you need to contact the building. Sorry for the inconvenience.

ALL PARENTS - We Need YOUR Input. Please complete the PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE SURVEY if you have not already. Here is the link and the details: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/810032

Reminder - Online ordering available for next week's picture day. Date and order link available here: https://mp.lcusd12.org/o/madison-park-elementary/article/811453

Reminder - Today and Monday - Early Dismissal for Litchfield Schools. Grades K-5 dismiss @ 1:15. Grades 6-12 dismiss @ 1:30.

This is our final week for online registration! Registration will end on August 5th!.
Log into Family Access to register. All school offices are now open for new student appointments or to provide assistance. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on the 12th!

Reminder calls and emails went out last week.
Pre K jump start – 8:00 drop off 12:00 pick up at south entrance on Buchanan street at Sihler School
Kindergarten & 1st grade jump start- 8:00 drop off and 12:00 pick-up at the east / kindergarten / Montgomery Street entrance at Madison Park.
Serving "grab and go" breakfast and lunch at the school for these students. See you tomorrow morning.

Reminder: Online registration is open for all returning students K-12 through August 5th. Log into Family Access to register. If you are new the district, please contact the appropriate school on August 1st for a registration packet.

Online registration opens on Monday, July 11th for the 22-23 school year. It will be open up Friday, August 5th.

If your child attended Camp Panther, we would like to hear your feedback. Survey takes about 10 minutes and will be open for a week. Thank you in advance if you participate. https://forms.gle/vdJMNEjfpNMLUtw18

Due to power outage at Colt school, Camp Panther grades K-4 dismiss at 1:00 today. If you need to change from bus to someone picking up at the school, contact me at (708)232-8731

CAMP PANTHER is still a GO for this morning. We will still meet up at our normal schools. Weather is moving out of Springfield around 8:00 for our trip at 8:30. There is no power at colt for the moment but we will still have breakfast and head out for our trip. If you aren't here by 8:30, you will not be on the trip today. We MIGHT dismiss early if power isn't restored. You can message at (708)232-8731. We will message later regarding any other changes.

Link for LCUSD #12 Graduation Live Stream @ 7:00 Tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQQwfdU1dtM

Just a reminder that a dental exam is required for grades K, 2nd, 6th, and 9th to be turned in by May 1st. Please contact your school nurse for any questions.

***UPDATE*** Due to changes in guidance, masks are no longer required on district busses or vans.

Due to road conditions, Litchfield schools closed Friday. This will be an e-learning day. Look for communication from teachers regarding assignments for the day.
There will be no school on Monday for Presidents day. School will resume Tuesday at the usual time

REMINDER: Early Dismissal TODAY *** Elementary @11:45 ***LMS&LHS @ 12:00*** NO PM PRE K*** No School Monday: MLK Holiday***

If your child in grades K-12 has been fully vaccinated for COVID 19, we encourage you to contact your child’s school and share that information. Fully vaccinated students that are not showing symptoms have different requirements if they have been in close contact with a COVID positive individual when masked.
In addition, please do not send your child to school with symptoms of illness and / or COVID. We appreciate your help as we continue to work to keep our schools open this week.

Free COVID rapid testing drive-thru on Monday 9-11 and 12-2 at LHS circle drive for any students or staff experiencing symptoms. Click the link for details and other updates. https://www.lcusd12.org/article/616803

COVID Positive cases at Russell, Middle School and High school for 12-2-2021. Use this link for details. https://www.lcusd12.org/article/599736