Reminder: No school on Monday, January 18 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. School resumes Tuesday at the normal time.

Notice of positive COVID test results at Madison Park and Russell schools. Details can be found here: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/377376?org=litchfield-cusd-12

Corrected link for Elementary Yearbook Info: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/363342?org=g-a-sihler-pre-k

PreK - 5th Grade Yearbook ordering is open. Use this link for details: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/o/g-a-sihler-pre-k

Madison Park Picture day next Tuesday. Order here: inter-state.com/order . Use order code: 55227gf

Additional Remote Learning Day Monday November 30th - Extra Precaution as Staff Rapid Tests w/ Montgomery County Heath. See message from the superintendent here: https://5il.co/nbyy

Please keep your child home if they or another family member are showing signs of illness. We continue to have in-person learning only with your help. Complete guidelines: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/345147?org=litchfield-cusd-12

There will be scheduled downtime for all technology TODAY from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. We apologize for the short notice and for any inconvenience.

Attention PK-5 Families: It is time for another Title I drive-up event! Join us on November 16th for 'Let's be Thankful for Books and Desserts!' Due to the overwhelming response at last month's event, please be sure to RSVP by November 12th to reserve your child's goodies! You may either return the form in the link https://5il.co/ms79 or email Mrs. Niemann at pniemann@litchfieldpanthers.org. We hope to see you there!

Up to date breakfast &lunch menu just released. Use the link below to view and start planning for next week. Information is also available on the Nutrislice app found in the Apple & Google Play stores.

There will be scheduled downtime for all technology on Thursday, October 29th from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.

November Calendar is now available at this link: https://5il.co/mjru Important dates to remember: No school on November 3rd, 11th, and 25th-27th.

October 19- 23: Making sure parents are aware of school hours this week.
Schools dismiss at their current regular times of 1:15 & 1:30.
Parent teacher conferences are from 4-7 pm Wed & Thurs via phone or Google Meets. There is no remote school or food service this Friday.

Reminder that if you signed up, tomorrow night is the Title I drive through event from 6-7 at Litchfield Middle School.

Hello Litchfield families!
Dental Safari is coming to your child's school in November.
Copy and paste the following link to register your child now!
We encourage you to utilize this convenient opportunity.
Thank you!

Hello Litchfield families!
Dental Safari is coming to your child's school in November.
Copy and paste the following link to register your child now!
We encourage you to utilize this convenient opportunity.
Thank you!

Title I Family Night Activity Pickup - email pniemann@litchfieldpanthers.org or print and complete the attached flyer.

Elementary students will be offered a cold lunch (PBJ) and hot lunch(Chicken Patty, mashed potatoes, etc.) option on Wednesday. Sausage biscuit offered for breakfast in the morning. No charge to families including lunch milk. Menu coming soon. Stay tuned.

Attention K-5 Families: Please join us for our October Title I Night! This is the link for the flyer: https://5il.co/lxkw

Attention K-5 Families: Please join us for our October Title I Night! This is the link for the flyer: https://5il.co/lxkw