Info regarding request for remote students to return in November:
Madison Park:https://www.lcusd12.org/article/316932?org=madison-park-elementary Colt:https://www.lcusd12.org/article/316935?org=j-d-colt-elementary Russell:https://www.lcusd12.org/article/316937?org=ida-j-russell

To clarify, on October 21 and 22, students will be dismissed at 1:15 pm at the high school and 1:30 pm grades K-8.
Updated calendar: https://5il.co/lij2

Good morning! This is a reminder that all hybrid students return to school starting today. We're excited to take this next step! Thank you for your assistance in getting us to this point. The calendar for October can be found at this link: https://5il.co/liej

Special Announcement from LCUSD#12 - Use this link to watch the video announcement.... https://youtu.be/IsXxVPGFJVM

RSVP due on Wed or Thurs if you want to participate in the Title I Story Bag event. This is a drive through and pick up event Please print and return the attached flyer or send an email to pniemann@litchfieldpanthers.org with your child's name and grade.

ATTN: Parents of Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 6th, 9th and 12th grade students, including remote learners.
Have you turned in your child's health requirements for their current grade level? These requirements must be turned in to the school by October 1, 2020 or your child will be excluded from school until requirements are completed.
**ISBE requires that remote learners complete all health requirements as well.**
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school nurse.

Cohort B students will receive lunch and breakfast for Friday and Saturday as they leave school today. No need to pick up Friday. See the complete update here (update in bold print) : http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/303255?org=litchfield-cusd-12

Your input is needed for the YMCA to provide programs in Litchfield. Community group Litchfield Unlimited i spearheading this effort. Please consider completing the survey so they know what the community wants for their kids. https://forms.gle/Jgj3K6KZPNCJtAKTA

Notice of positive test for COVID 19: https://www.lcusd12.org/article/302057?org=litchfield-cusd-12

As promised, here is the calendar for September.
We are continuing with Cohort A and Cohort B days. Fridays will remain remote learning days for everyone. The early dismissals will continue as well.

An important message from Dr. Fuerstenau. Please read at this link:

All LCUSD #12 Families and Staff - - There will be a planned network downtime on Saturday, August 22nd from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. All programs on a district-issued device (chromebook, tablet, or laptop) will be unavailable during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you are having difficulty logging into a chromebook from home, you may need to power it completely off. Once you turn it back on, you should be able to connect to your home wifi.

Chrome devices for Cohort A students were sent home today. Cohort B students will be receiving their devices tomorrow. Please return the user agreement form you received with the device on your child's next "in person" attendance day. Thank you.

A few reminders for start of school on Monday...

Explanation of temperature check procedures in mornings for Litchfield Schools. https://youtu.be/-vmsw8F0v7g

CORRECTED link to Superintendent Message for start of school: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/287558?org=litchfield-cusd-12

A letter for parents from Madison Park Principal - 4 page letter outlining changes for the current year at Madison Park. Document can be found here: http://litchfieldil.apptegy.us/article/286755?org=madison-park-elementary

Your classes will begin on Monday, August 17th no later than 9:00 am.
Cohort A starts on Monday, August 17th
Cohort B starts on Tuesday, August 18th (Congratulations, you get one extra day of summer break!)

This is for REMOTE LEARNERS ONLY. Students that will be attending in-person (hybrid) will be notified of their cohort days on Tuesday and will pick up their Chromebooks on the first day of in-person attendance.