Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Time: 12:45 P.M. to 2:45 P.M.
Location: LLCC Litchfield
Length: Semester
Instructor: Ashley Greenwalt
Basic Nurse Assistant (NAS 101)
Eligibility: This course requires an application and a $20.00 course fee
This course is designed to prepare students seeking employment as assistants to nurses in nursing homes, hospitals and home health care settings. It includes both classroom instruction and clinical experience. Students successfully completing the program will have met state requirements for working in long-term nursing facilities and are eligible to take the required IDPH Nurse Aide Competency exam. 12 (5.5 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours and 1.25 clinical hours) Note: Students are required to have a physical exam and two negative TB skin tests before they are allowed into the clinical area. Students must be present on the first day of class.